Ryan's District Boards

RD Today => All the News => Super Blog => Topic started by: staff on March 02, 2008, 09:56:45 AM

Title: You wouldn’t believe it, but we’re swimming in gasoline…
Post by: staff on March 02, 2008, 09:56:45 AM
You wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t believe it, but weââ,¬â,,¢re swimming in gasolineââ,¬Â¦

By the looks of the $3-a-gallon prices at the U.S. pumps, you’d think gasoline supplies were running out.Ã, Oddly enough, they’re brimming.Ã, The latest data from the Energy Information Administration showsÃ, inventories have grown to their highest level since 1994, when a gallon of the fuel went for a buck.
Before you become outraged…
The increase in inventoriesÃ, IS expected to [...]
