Ryan's District Boards

Recycle Bin => Trash Can => Dirty Video to be deleted => Topic started by: Video on June 14, 2008, 01:43:52 AM

Title: New:Tara's Lament
Post by: Video on June 14, 2008, 01:43:52 AM
Tara's Lament

            <img src="http://s2.ytimg.com/vi/mZW1_0MetQI/default.jpg" align="right" border="0" width="120" height="90" vspace="4" hspace="4" />
            This video took me five weeks to finally get done, I was very worried about the out come of it but after watching it I loved the way it looked this video in the Buffyverse is set to Tara's point of view and I have scenes of her from season 4,5 and 6 and ofcourse there is some Willow/Tara in the music video as well... More so hugs then anything else and the two talking to eachother but it's mostly about Tara's life I found this to be very moody and extremly tragic because of the song I chose for her. I used Lacrymosa for Tara's video and decided to give her some time to shine brightly in the small ammount of time she had in this series. I worked really hard on this video and did my best to get my Willow/Tara feel into it. Please go easy on commenting my Willow/Tara videos are never really any good. Sadly I do not own any of these wonderfull characters I only own the music video but I suppose that is good enough and no I am not making any sort of profit off of this music video it is just for fun. Please enjoy the music video and feel free to comment on it...

                ~ Aliyssa ~
               Author: LadyAliyssa (http://youtube.com/profile?user=LadyAliyssa)

               Keywords:  <a href="/results?search_query=Willow/Tara">Willow/Tara</a> <a href="/results?search_query=Music">Music</a> <a href="/results?search_query=Videos">Videos</a>

               Added: June 13, 2008


