dekePod: 101 Photoshop Tips in Five Minutes
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If you've ever read a computer magazine, you know the idea behind "101 Tips." One gala issue, lots of first-rate contributors, lots of quality information. And lots and lots of pages. But when's the last time one lone guy tried to capture 101 tips in video? In just 5 minutes of video? Set to music? This is the realm of dekePod, the once-every-other-weekly series from Deke McClelland. It's bold, it's brash, it's ridiculous. It's a podcast with serious issues. Enjoy. Get more dekePod at
Author: OreillyMedia (
Keywords: <a href="/results?search_query=deke">deke</a> <a href="/results?search_query=dekepod">dekepod</a> <a href="/results?search_query=oreilly">oreilly</a> <a href="/results?search_query=photoshop">photoshop</a> <a href="/results?search_query=tips">tips</a> <a href="/results?search_query=shortcuts">shortcuts</a>
Added: June 23, 2008