What is your name? :Viggo
How old are you ?:15 years
Is this your first visit to RCEP? :jepp
What stuff you are good at?:hmm Star Wars and a little bit msn hack
Tell us about your interests ?:hacking and Star wars
Other info about you ?:I am norwegen so stick out with my bad writing
Other stuff you would like to tell us ?:nope
Welcome to Ryan's District Boards
We wish you have a nice time
welcome VIggo
u got a creative name
we r glad to have people fom norway at RD
its days since someone from ur country last arive at the district
Welcome to Ryan's District Welcome to u Ryan's District. We that you introduced your self and let RD members know more about you...Please try to edit your profile details to let us know more and more about you .... ...