inseprable 10
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kevin - um your nicky pooh's out side with his um...................
paige-GIRLFRINED! and he appreciate it if you didnt call him that.
selena-............ girlfreind. he never told me thats so awsome. im glad. wheres my joey.
kevin-*whispers to paige* she gave all of us nick names.
paige- o
selena runs out side and when nick and joe see her they get out of the jacuzzi and give her a hug/.
joe/nick- selly.
selena- so nick.[ elbows him lightly and winks] girlfreind huh where is she i bet shes pretty.
mandy- aahem. thats me.
mandy and nick were as red as an apple.
selena runs and gives her a hug and she puts her hand on her face.
selena- shes beautiful!!! you have a keeper here,dont screw it up ok.
so joey wheres your luck women.
joe put his arm aroun kaci and smiled.
joe- right here.
kaci- ...hi.[ she waves lightly because shes embarresd]
selena- aww. shes so cute i love her. im guessing the one with kevin is his girl huh?
nick/joe- yup/.
Author: NickJonasGF123 (
Keywords: <a href="/results?search_query=inseprable">inseprable</a> <a href="/results?search_query=OneTrueMedia">OneTrueMedia</a>
Added: January 8, 2009