Ryan's District Boards

Recycle Bin => Trash Can => Dirty Video to be deleted => Topic started by: Video on January 10, 2009, 06:11:44 AM

Title: New:PS3 Tutorial Part 2 of 3
Post by: Video on January 10, 2009, 06:11:44 AM
PS3 Tutorial Part  2 of 3

            <img src="http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/GQ4fjbEtGc8/default.jpg" align="right" border="0" width="120" height="90" vspace="4" hspace="4" />
            Part 2

Quick guide to getting your free PS3.

Also see my other videos!


FIRST 8 PPL to go GREEN WILL BE Put Into My Rotator. Send me an email at gamergirl625@yahoo.com with:

a. User Name (Email used)
b. Offer you did.
c. your referral link
d. Paypal Email so I can send you $3.00


How can they give away free stuff?
- Things like PS3's are chunk change to these big companies. It takes like 8 referrals to get a PS3 so thats 8 potential new customers for them. Some of them may remain customers if they like the service and some will cancel but either way its getting traffic and people to try out their products. They're making millions of billions - they can afford to give away free stuff, so why not take it!?

** Remember, if you do this... don't try to scam the system!!

**You have to complete one offer yourself! This is very important. If you fail to do this, you won't get a prize no matter how many referrals you get. Complete an offer right after signing up! Like I said, Gamefly and Blockbuster are awesome.

Some of the offers require credit cards! If your worried about using your own credit card go out and get yourself a prepaid Visa/Mastercard gift card from Safeway or something and use that.
Or use a prepaid gift card you get for Xmas haha. ps. Google SEO Supervisor is only $2.95 and credit is instant. (Good if your in a rush to get your system) Stamps is free but you do need a credit card and it takes like a week to credit. (I'm not saying do these ones just throwing out ideas, :wink wink:)

Some Rules to Follow:
Make sure to allow Pop-ups while your completing an offer (you can block them again once your done).

Clear your cookies before completing an offer.

Doing these things will make sure you get credit. If you credit doesn't show up within the days specefied submit a missing credit request after 7 days!!!

Check it out.

Lets help eachother get some free stuff!!

I'm currently paying $3.00 via Paypal if you sign up and complete an offer. Please send me a message!
               Author: s1mplyirresistbl (http://youtube.com/profile?user=s1mplyirresistbl)

               Keywords:  <a href="/results?search_query=PS3">PS3</a> <a href="/results?search_query=Tutorial">Tutorial</a> <a href="/results?search_query=Part">Part</a> <a href="/results?search_query=2">2</a>

               Added: January 9, 2009


