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Recycle Bin => Trash Can => Dirty Video to be deleted => Topic started by: Video on August 03, 2009, 04:23:24 PM

Title: Featured: 3D Waltz of the Flowers (YouTube 3D HD Test)
Post by: Video on August 03, 2009, 04:23:24 PM
3D Waltz of the Flowers (YouTube 3D HD Test)

            <img src="http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/0GcLW0g_c1s/default.jpg" align="right" border="0" width="120" height="90" vspace="4" hspace="4" />
            Original file : 1280x960 Over/Under 10Mbps wmv
Test using 3d video in Over/Under format with  yt3d:left/right tags.

To view this video in 3D, select viewing style first  from 12 option of drop down list box named "3D View Style",
Red/cyan, amber/blue etc. requires 3D glasses.
Some other options, parallel and cross etc. doesn't require any glasses.  No viewing style with polarization type glasses like Real D is supported by YouTube 3D so far. 3D view style drop down menu may not appear unless using  latest browser and player plug in.

Try YouTube 3D HD playback :
               Author: inouek3D (http://youtube.com/profile?user=inouek3D)

               Keywords:  <a href="/results?search_query=Stereoscopic">Stereoscopic</a> <a href="/results?search_query=YouTube%203D">YouTube 3D</a> <a href="/results?search_query=yt3d">yt3d</a> <a href="/results?search_query=Waltz%20of%20the%20Flowers">Waltz of the Flowers</a> <a href="/results?search_query=yt3d%3Aenable%3Dtrue">yt3d:enable=true</a> <a href="/results?search_query=yt3d%3Aaspect%3D16%3A9">yt3d:aspect=16:9</a> <a href="/results?search_query=yt3d%3Aleft%3D0_0_1_0.5">yt3d:left=0_0_1_0.5</a> <a href="/results?search_query=yt3d%3Aright%3D0_0.5_1_1">yt3d:right=0_0.5_1_1</a>

               Added: July 21, 2009


