Alleged image from HTC One ultrapixel camera surfaces <img src=" TV Show is available upon demand...This means if you want the download link for this show, you should reply here and we will reply for you the download link ASAP...So please if you want to download this please don't hesitate reply here and we will be more than happy to post it for you..../newsimg/13/02/image-from-htc-one/thumb.jpg" width="70" height="92" hspace="3" alt="" border="0" align=left style="background:#333333;padding:0px;margin:0px 4px 0px 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:#aaaaaa;border-width:1px" /> <p>HTC's upcoming flagship device was rumored to feature a stacked sensor with ultrapixels and HTC itself reinforced the rumors by promising new sound and camera experience in 2013. Now, an alleged image taken with the HTC One (or M7 as it was previously known) has shown up on Flickr.
Alleged images from Flickr
HTC One's ultrapixel camera technology is said to be made up of three...</p>
Source: Alleged image from HTC One ultrapixel camera surfaces&nbsp; (