Android 4.3 spotted on Galaxy S4, screenshots inside<img src=" TV Show is available upon demand...This means if you want the download link for this show, you should reply here and we will reply for you the download link ASAP...So please if you want to download this please don't hesitate reply here and we will be more than happy to post it for you..../newsimg/13/06/google-android-4-3-shows-up-more-to-come/thumb.jpg" width="70" height="92" hspace="3" alt="" border="0" align=left style="background:#333333;padding:0px;margin:0px 4px 0px 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:#aaaaaa;border-width:1px" /> <p>Leaked screenshots show Android 4.3, dubbed Jelly Bean, running on a Snapdragon-powered (I9505) Samsung Galaxy S4. The firmware was allegedly intended for the Google Edition Galaxy S4 (I9505G) and sports the build number JWR66N.S005.130625.
Just by looking at the screenshots we can't identify anything truly new, except for the camera UI, which is already present on the HTC One and Galaxy S4...</p>
Source: Android 4.3 spotted on Galaxy S4, screenshots inside (