October 2014 Hole Shot - Built Not Bought<dt><br /><img src="http://image.superstreetonline.com/f/features/1410_october_2014_hole_shot/76940635+ppromo_large/october-2014-hole-shot-chris-milan-s14-01.jpg" onerror="javascript:this.src='http://static.superstreetonline.com/_SiteConfigs/_global/images/no_photo_100px.gif'" alt="October 2014 Hole Shot - Built Not Bought" /><br /><a href="http://www.superstreetonline.com/features/1410_october_2014_hole_shot/">We didn't think any North American could build another S14 that'd make us drool but Mr. Milan has done it</a><p>The S-chassis has been done a million times, but for some reason when Chris Milan's '95 Nissan 240SX surfaced earlier this year, tens of thousands of enthusiasts around the world lost their marbles...including us! We didn't think any North American could build another S14 that'd make us drool but Mr. Milan has done so with his insane widebody. And while it might be a little rough around the edges and not have the highest dollar JDM parts, major props are due. He's pushed the limits while still building a car on a budget and without any major sponsors, all in his little one-car garage. Did we forget to mention that he drives the car, too? It's no trailer queen and in our eyes, he's easily a homebuilt hero and living inspiration for other dreamers out there.</p> a <br /> Photo Gallery: <a href="http://www.superstreetonline.com/features/1410_october_2014_hole_shot/">October 2014 Hole Shot - Built Not Bought</a><br /><br /></dt>
Source: October 2014 Hole Shot - Built Not Bought (http://www.superstreetonline.com/features/1410_october_2014_hole_shot/)