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Messages - empirebattles

Specific Images (You MUST provide a direct link ):

Color Scheme: medieval (different style per each race)

Images Link (images you like to include): This link is to EXAMPLE graphics (for an idea of what i'm looking for):  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Size: 75x75 transparent gif

Any Preference on how the image is constructed/made?: Prefferred ISO setting (as seen in link above)

What stuff you want or don't want in the Graphic : medieval style is preferred  (not a bright/shiny/anime look)

Text you need on the Image: NONE

Other Comments: I know this is a large project, and will probably require a lot of work, and thus a payment option is available via a royalty-type fee (payment as i get it from the game). I am still working on developing a full list of units/buildings, but the basic structure for each race (elves/goblins, etc etc) is the same (they have a specialty in barracks/archery/stable etc etc). If needed, you can contact me via email at You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for extra details/questions

Links for URL where the Graphic will be put : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login