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Messages - Nelsonn

Longest sleep as ever is 8- 10 hour not more than that.
Yes proper sleep is as important for our health and in today's busy schedule time of sleep is reducing day by day which will affect on health of a person also and raised many other health problems
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No I won't join any Gym I prefer to havr walk daily specially in early morning as it not only reduce weght but also helpful in so many other ways.
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Mine fav too is  cold drinks but taking too much cold drink harm my teeth my You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login will advice to reduce the intake of cold drinks and avoid taking hot and cold drinks together as this may cause cracking teeth.
A well-balanced diet provides the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums. Fluoride, occurring naturally in foods and water, or added to the water supply, can be a powerful tool in fighting decay. It can reduce the rate of cavities by as much as 60 percent. Fresh fruits, especially apples, are better choices. Fresh fruit, although both sweet and acidic, is much less likely to cause a problem, because chewing stimulates the saliva flow. Saliva decreases mouth acidity and washes away food particles. Apples, for example, have been called nature's toothbrush because they stimulate the gums, increase saliva flow and reduce the build-up of cavity-causing bacteria. A chronically dry mouth also contributes to decay. Saliva flow slows during sleep; going to bed without brushing the teeth is especially harmful. Certain drugs, including those used for high blood pressure, also cut down saliva flow.
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