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Messages - moeosman007@hotmai

these are what ever messages ( im) u receave when you are not signed in you messenger they will appear for you when u first login
the are temporary they will be removed
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I've been running my own small family/friends type web server at home for a few months now on a residential DSL line, and I've never been happier.

Quick specs:

Server: Supermicro mobo, Celeron 2.4, 2 gig ram
OS: Fedora FC-4
DSL: 1.5 Mbps download/896 Kbps upload
ISP: Monthly lease, block of 8 static (5 usable) IPs
Server cost: Apx $950

Monthly DSL/ISP cost: Apx $60

I wouldn't recommend doing this for "mission critical" types of solutions, but for small non-business/hobby sites it's great.

Here are a couple of sites to check out to get you started:

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BTW - I should add that this was NOT the easiest thing I've ever done, and quite frustrating at times. But the feeling of independence and freedom are powerful, and to me, well worth every cent and second spent.

also yahoo is fine dude
 Formatting numbers for decimals and significant digits in JavaScript

Formatting numbers so they confirm to a specific format can be deceivingly tricky. For example, one of the most common tasks is to format a number for currency display- an integer followed by two decimals.........
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